Students will receive a t-shirt for performance purposes
Recommended 6th Graders (only) for DIME Squad
I hereby certify that, DIME will take the proper steps via CDC guidelines. My family and I will also follow these guidelines and the DIME expectations. I cannot sue or hold them accountable for any sickness that may occur. DIME does not discriminate against vaccinated and non-vaccinated persons. DIME agrees to provide a clean and safe environment for all participants. By checking off the box below I understand and agree to these terms.
This waiver is for the DIME studio located at 1904 Greenwood st. Unit #2, Evanston, 60201, Illinois and at any other locations of service.
I hereby certify that I, my children and any participants that I am registering for on their behalf, I understand that there are risks with activities provided through DIME. They include, but are not limited to, illness, injury and death. In recognition of this acknowledged risk, I knowingly and voluntarily waive all right and/ or causes of action of any kind, including any and all claims of negligence arising as a result of such activity from which liability could accuse DIME, it’s employees, instructors and all affiliated entities.I hereby agree to release DIME of all liability, and hereby acknowledge that I knowingly and voluntarily assume full responsibility for all risks arising out of active participation in classes, performances and activities through DIME on behalf of myself, the legal guardian, and the participant/s.I am aware that this is a release of liability and an acknowledgement of my voluntary and knowing assumption of the associated risks.I agree to this document voluntarily and of my own free will in exchange for the privilege of participation. I also give DIME permission to use my child’s picture in or on any form of advertisement or publication in behalf of DIME or a DIME affiliated event. (Please notify us in writing if pictures cannot be publicly displayed for any reason)I understand that I must remain on the premises for the duration of class for any of my children under the age of 5yrs old.The participants for whom I am registering have my permission to participate in all DIME classes, performances and activities. I warrant the information is complete and correct and that I do have the authority to act and speak in behalf of the participants I enroll in classes at DIME. I further release Adrenaline Dance of all liabilities associated with me and/or my children's attendance at DIME. By checking off the box below I understand and agree to these terms.
I hereby certify that I, my children and any participants that I am registering for on their behalf, I give permission to have their picture taken and/or videos recorded strictly for DIME advertising and promoting for the DIME studio located at 1904 Greenwood st. Unit #2, Evanston, 60201, Illinois and at other various locations of service; I assume all responsibility before any event that can be presented relying on the services of high quality offered by the company D.I.M.E. By checking off the box below I understand and agree to these terms.
• All students are expected to arrive on time and properly dressed. (overly revealing clothing/inappropriate images on clothing not permitted). Students should arrive in dance attire and gym shoes in order to participate.
• No eating food or gum during class. (students can eat snacks in the first 5-10mins) Water bottles are permitted.
• DIME is not responsible for lost items. Please leave your valuables at home. (any visible items left behind will go to lost and found - items left behind will be subjected to donation or garbage).
• No cell phones allowed during class. (if you need to contact a parent- please inform your teacher)
• For safety, students are not permitted to leave class without permission and/or supervision.
• DIME is a peanut and nut free environment. (students CANNOT share snacks)
• Respect for teachers, parents and peers will be expected at all times. Cliques/bullying, disruptive talking or behavior will not be tolerated. Students behaving inappropriately will be asked to sit out for the rest of class, and parents will be contacted.
• No running, rough playing or cartwheels (any form of tumbling) during class.
• We encourage all of our students to work hard, have fun, believe in themselves and be the best they can be!
• During pickup, students are no longer allowed to walk out the studio during pickup. Please come inside the building to pick up your student(s).
• Encourage your student(s) to follow the student code of conduct.
• For the safety of the students, you must sign your student out for early dismissal.
• First warning: student(s) will be reminded of the expectations and will be asked to focus for the rest of the class.
• Second warning: the student(s) will be asked to sit for the remainder of the class to sit and reflect.
• If student(s) refuses to follow directions/ expectations a phone call home will be made, or we will speak with a parent/guardian at pick up.
• Depending on the severity of the situation the student will be removed from DIME for the remainder of the school year.
By checking off the box below I understand and agree to these terms.